Monday, June 21, 2010

The first thing after you bathe you have the Shidur in your forehead
Everyday back home the warm hug making me forget that I have been weary

Everyday to office the goodbye kiss making me forget the day long work ahead

On embellishing yourself and looking so beautiful with the best ofperfumes, Jewellery and Accessories looking for my eyes to turn wide
in admiration

The lovely little notes that you post on the wall

The dreams and wishes that you share with me and when we live through
them together

For holding my hand and your desire to hold my hand when I am 90 and you are 86

For watching ESPN and NDTV with me even when you wish to see the next
scary movie on HBO

For the surprise gifts and the beautiful flowers when it the least expected

Your holding me tight and the bear hugs in bed when I wake up

Getting angry on me for not arranging the clothes and the towels and
the footwears and forgiving me for the nonchalant behaviour.

Your reading a book and waiting for me to come to sleep beside you

Your kissing my neck when on the laptop and doing so for the next ten
min till I can no longer concentrate

Forgetting the last night quarrel and petulance and forgiving me for
the mistakes
Your making me feel important and being thought of all the while

Your respect, love and concern for Baba, Ma and Dida

For sharing my happiness and being with me in times of distress

For laughing away my gaucherie

You writing those cute messages on my planner with an enviable
handwrite with your sinuous fingers

Your copious collection of paraphernalia and apparels and still being
excited for me to buy you a new one

Of your interests in everything I do and your belief that we should do
it together
For embellishing the house with so much love and zeal

For sweetly contorting your lips and eyes while looking at me with
love while I draw and cook and I drive and talk.
For spending the last few months together and making me realize what
love is all about.
… Just a few from the gamut of reasons. I love you

PS: This was sent by my husband in my inbox some time back...and this is

exactly why i count my blessings every morning

Thank you Sulagna for sharing the love.


  1. and lets wish that more and more girls have such beautiful notes to share with you :) love is one of the most amazing contagious thingies one can spread :)

    PS: Can you see me...look up..a little higher..yeah m on cloud 9 !!

  2. Omg WOW. I'm pretty much speechless, cause every time I read Sulagana's blog, that's how it leaves me. Smiling and speechless.
    God cless you guys, really.
    I love you :) You know tat, duh!

    Eeeeeep! god now I'm nervous! Cause my post is a little off the track.. Queeeeeeeeen!!!

  3. sulagna's blog is my favorite :) its the kind of love i know and understand and want always in my life..

    and this was such a lovely one... written by the man who's loved like crazy by our darling sula. i feel so happy to see that he loves her the exact same way!!

  4. You got an awesome guy there Sulagna. Now you hang on to him till eternity.

    God Bless you both! :-)

  5. Wow...I hope I find a guy like that Sulagna...

    God Bless you both!

  6. Just remember Sulagna that all men are dogs and will cheat on their wives if they get an opportunity,at lest they will be greatly tempted to,that's why I want me a gay guy.It's lot less complicated that way,I will understand when he is tempted to stray.And remember it's up to you to keep him in check.

  7. barbie jones...thats such a cute name!!

    I do completely understand your point of view...well what can i say..Gay guy just to make yourself secure..i dont think a (gentle)man would ever leave a well bred, intelligent, goodlooking and loving wife!!

  8. Guys...thank you :) you people are my real inspiration cus the one who inspires me to write checks my blog once in a month :( :( :(
